home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Brujah-prince
- Intelligence@
- Loussarian@
- Mind's
- Pulling@
- Romanov@
- Sight
- Take@
- Tradition@
- Action
- Equipment
- Master
- Reaction
- Ventrue-justicar@
- Brujah
- HBAM2001MAY84
- Jyhad Card List Master:*
- Common
- Common
- Non-vampire
- Uncommon
- Uncommon
- Vampire
- Aaron's
- Academic
- Accounting
- Aching
- Acrobatics
- Adonis
- Adrianne
- Affair
- Agitation
- Agrippina
- Aleph
- Alexander
- Alley
- Amaranth
- Anarch
- Anastasia
- Ancient
- Ancilla
- Andor
- Andreas
- Angel
- Angus
- Animalism
- Anneke
- Anson
- Anvil
- Apparatus
- Appolonius
- Arboretum
- Arcane
- Archon
- Arson
- Ascendance
- Assault
- Astrid
- Asylum
- Asylum
- Atlanta
- Auction
- Auspex
- Autarkis
- Backlash
- Backways
- Badger
- Barrens
- Barton
- Basilia
- Bastard
- Beast
- Beauty
- Behind
- Betrayer
- Bewitching
- Bianca
- Bishop
- Bitter
- Black
- Blood
- Bloodhunt
- Bonding
- Boston
- Boxed
- Brainwash
- Brazil
- Breath
- Bribes
- Bridges
- Brujah
- Bum's
- Burglary
- Burst
- Business
- Camarilla
- Camille
- Canaille
- Canine
- Captivation
- Cardano
- Casey
- Casimir
- Cassandra
- Cat's
- Cauldron
- Celerity
- Chainsaw
- Chalenge
- Challenge
- Change
- Chantry
- Charm
- Charming
- Charnas
- Chester
- Chicago
- Claire
- Clarity
- Claws
- Cleveland
- Cloak
- Cobbler
- Colin
- Companion
- Computer
- Concealed
- Condemnation
- Conditioning
- Connections
- Conquer
- Consanguineous
- Conservative
- Contested
- Control
- Counter
- Counting
- Courtland
- Crete
- Crowds
- Crowley
- Crows
- Cruez
- Crusher
- Cryptic
- Cuelen
- Cultivated
- Cunctator
- Curse
- Dagger
- Dallas
- Dancin
- De-evolution
- Dead-end
- Dealer
- Death
- Deflection
- Delaying
- Delilah
- Dementia
- Demetrius
- Democritus
- Demsy
- Department
- Destruction
- Devereux
- Devil
- Dieter
- Dimple
- Disarming
- Disaster
- Disease
- Disguised
- Disputed
- Distraction
- Dodge
- Dollface
- Domain
- Dominance
- Dominate
- Dorian
- Dragon
- Drain
- Dramatic
- Drawing
- Dread
- Drive
- Duane
- Dubois
- Dupre
- Eagle's
- Earth
- Easton
- Eater
- Eater
- Ebenezer
- Effective
- Elder
- Elliot
- Elysium
- Embrace
- Emerson
- Empowerment
- Enchant
- Endangered
- Enforcement
- Enhanced
- Entrancement
- Escort
- Essence
- Etrius
- Evenings
- Exemplary
- Faceless
- Faces
- Fangs
- Feeding
- Felicia
- Fists
- Flame
- Flaps
- Flash
- Flesh
- Floor
- Florent
- Flynn
- Fontaine
- Fortitude
- Fortunes
- Fragment
- Freak
- Frenzy
- Freshness
- Games
- Gangrel
- Garou
- Gathering
- Gehenna
- Ghost
- Ghoul
- Giant's
- Gideon
- Gilbert
- Gitane
- Giuliano
- Glaser
- Gleam
- Goggles
- Golconda
- Govern
- Grapple
- Grate
- Grave
- Greater
- Grenade
- Grendel
- Ground
- Grounds
- Growing
- Guidance
- Gunther
- Gypsies
- Hacking
- Hands
- Hasina
- Hatch
- Haven
- Headquarters
- Healing
- Heather
- Hector
- Helena
- Hidden
- Highway
- Homunculus
- Horde
- Hospitality
- Hostile
- Hound
- Houston
- Hungry
- Hunter
- Hunting
- Idealist
- Ignatius
- Ignored
- Illegal
- Immortal
- Indomitability
- Infernal
- Influence
- Information
- Inner
- Intelligence
- Intentions
- Investment
- Ivory
- Jacket
- Jackie
- Justicar
- Justine
- Kallista
- Kindred
- Kleist
- Knights
- Labyrinth
- Laced
- Lafitte
- Laptop
- Launcher
- Lazarus
- Leader
- Lechtansi
- Legal
- Leighton
- Leopold
- Letter
- Lextalionis
- Library
- Lobby
- Loussarian
- Loyal
- Lucia
- Lucian
- Lucky
- Lucretia
- Lurker
- Lydia
- Madness
- Magic
- Magnum
- Magus
- Majesty
- Major
- Malkav
- Malkavian
- Management
- Manipulations
- Manstopper
- Marble
- Mariel
- Marley
- Marty
- Masika
- Masquerade
- Master
- Mastery
- Mcclaren
- Mcdonnell
- Melissa
- Merill
- Metro
- Meyers
- Miami
- Mighty
- Milicent
- Mind's
- Mind's
- Minion
- Minions
- Minor
- Miranda
- Misdirection
- Mission
- Molitor
- Monocle
- Morgan
- Mostrom
- Motion
- Movement
- Moves
- Muddled
- Murder
- Museum
- Natasha
- Navar
- Network
- Night
- Nimble
- Nitocris
- Normal
- North
- Nosferatu
- Obedience
- Obfuscate
- Operation
- Operations
- Opportunist
- Oration
- Outcast
- Pacciola
- Parity
- Patagia
- Peace
- Persecution
- Persistence
- Physchic
- Police
- Political
- Potence
- Power
- Powerbase
- Prank
- Praxis
- Prentis
- Presence
- Pressure
- Prime
- Progeny
- Projection
- Protean
- Protector
- Protracted
- Psyche
- Psychic
- Pulled
- Pulling
- Pulse
- Puppy
- Pursuit
- Putrescence
- Quaid
- Queen
- Quinton
- Radio
- Ramiel
- Rampage
- Rapid
- Rat's
- Raven
- Razor
- Reaction
- Reading
- Rectrix
- Regaining
- Renegade
- Repugnant
- Resources
- Resplendent
- Restoration
- Restructure
- Retainer
- Reversal
- Revolt
- Ricki
- Rider
- Rifle
- Ritual
- Robbing
- Roland
- Roman
- Romanov
- Roreca
- Rotschreck
- Rounds
- Roush
- Rowan
- Roxanne
- Rufina
- Rumors
- Sabbat
- Sabine
- Sammy
- Sanova
- Sarah
- Saturday
- Sawed-off
- Scandalmonger
- Scorn
- Sculptor
- Search
- Seattle
- Sebastian
- Seduction
- Segregation
- Seizure
- Selma
- Sengir
- Senses
- Sewer
- Sewers
- Shattering
- Sheldon
- Shift
- Short
- Shortage
- Shotgun
- Sideslip
- Sight
- Sight
- Signpost
- Simmons
- Simms
- Sinclair
- Slashers
- Slater
- Smiling
- Smith
- Smudge
- Social
- Society
- Soledad
- Solomon
- Spawning
- Special
- Speed
- Spirit's
- Sport
- Spying
- Stake
- Stakes
- Steel
- Storm
- Strack
- Street
- Strength
- Strings
- Submachine
- Succubus
- Sudden
- Sunlight
- Surprise
- Sword
- Sylvester
- Tactics
- Talbot's
- Talebearer
- Talon
- Target
- Tasha
- Taste
- Tatiana
- Telepathic
- Temptation
- Territory
- Terrorists
- Thadius
- Thaumaturgy
- Theft
- Therman
- Thespian
- Thomas
- Thorne
- Threat
- Threats
- Thrower
- Thrown
- Thunder
- Tiberius
- Timothy
- Toreador
- Touch
- Tradition
- Tragic
- Treaty
- Tremere
- Troublemaker
- Ulugh
- Unaligned
- Uncovered
- Undead
- Underground
- Unflinching
- Unnatural
- Unruled
- Upheaval
- Upper
- Uptown
- Uriah
- Vampire
- Vampiric
- Vanish
- Vaughn
- Ventrue
- Venture
- Vienna
- Vincenzi
- Violette
- Virtuoso
- Vitae
- Vliam
- Volfchek
- Voter
- Vulnerability
- Walter
- Warning
- Warzone
- Washington
- Watcher
- Wealth
- Weapon
- Weather
- Well-aimed
- Wentworth
- Winter
- Winthrop
- Zebulon
- Action
- Action
- Brujah
- Brujah-justicar
- Brujah-primogen
- Brujah-prince
- Caitiff
- Combat
- Combat/reaction
- Equipment
- Equipment
- Gangrel
- Gangrel-justicar
- Gangrel-primogen
- Justicar
- Location
- Malkavian
- Malkavian-justicar
- Malkavian-primogen
- Malkavian-prince
- Master
- Master
- Nosferatu
- Nosferatu-justicar
- Nosferatu-primogen
- Nosferatu-prince
- Political
- Reaction
- Reaction
- Retainer
- Skill
- Toreador
- Toreador-justicar
- Toreador-primogen
- Toreador-prince
- Tremere
- Tremere-justicar
- Tremere-primogen
- Tremere-prince
- Unique
- Ventrue
- Ventrue-justicar
- Ventrue-primogen
- Ventrue-prince
- Weapon
- Brujah
- Brujah
- Gangrel
- Malkavian
- Nosferatu
- Toreador
- Tremere
- Ventrue
- t US Letter A4 Letter
- US Legal
- International Fanfold
- Computer Paper
- Envelope (#10)
- els^23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12345
- Main Dictionary
- 9/7/94
- A FrequencyB
- A Card NameB
- A Card TypeB
- Action
- Action Mod
- Brujah
- Brujah Justicar
- Brujah Primogen
- Brujah Prince
- Caitiff
- Combat
- Combat/Reaction
- Equipment
- Gangrel
- Gangrel Justicar
- Gangrel Primogen
- Malkavian
- Malkavian Justicar
- Malkavian Primogen
- kavian Prince
- Master
- Master: Justicar
- Master: Location
- Master: Out of Turn
- Master: Skill
- Master: Unique Location
- Nosferatu
- Nosferatu Justicar
- Nosferatu Primogen
- Nosferatu Prince
- Political Action
- Reaction
- RetainC
- Toreador
- Toreador Justicar
- Toreador Primogen
- Toreador Prince
- Tremere
- Tremere Justicar
- Tremere Primogen
- Tremere Prince
- Unique Ally
- Unique Equipment
- Unique Master
- Unique Weapon
- Ventrue
- Ventrue Justicar
- VentrueD
- Primogen
- Ventrue Prince
- Skills and/or Blood Cost
- A[Animalism
- Dominate
- Potence
- Thaumaturgy
- Auspex
- Fortitude
- Presence
- Celerity
- Obfuscate
- Protean
- A OwnershipB
- Number OwnedB
- PictureB
- Cards OwnedB
- Total VampiresB
- Total CommonB
- Total UncommonB
- Total RareB
- A Main Menu
- Splash Screen
- Card List View
- Enter Search Keys
- Detailed Card List
- Detailed Card List w/Skills
- @&A$Detailed Card List w/Owner Checklist
- Card Totals Vampires
- Card Totals Common
- Card Totals Uncommon
- Card Totals Rare
- A Main MenuB
- E Frequency
- E Card Type
- Skills and/or Blood Cost
- Vampire Skills
- E:an = Animalism
- do = Dominate
- po = Potence
- th = Thaumaturgy
- E(au = Auspex
- fo = Fortitude
- ps = Presence
- E)ce = Celerity
- ob = Obfuscate
- pt = Protean
- A skill in all caps denotes Superior
- Find All
- I Own This Card?
- E How Many?
- Detailed Search
- First Record
- Total Rare
- Total Uncommon
- Common
- Uncommon
- Asylum
- Bridges@
- Computer@
- Delaying@
- Eater
- Intelligence@
- Loussarian@
- Mind's
- Pulling@
- Romanov@
- Sight
- Take@
- Tradition@
- Action
- Equipment
- Master
- Reaction
- Ventrue-justicar@
- Brujah
- Total Vampires
- Total Common
- Splash ScreenB
- Start
- E&Jyhad Card Database
- Version 1.1
- 9.7.94
- Card List ViewB
- E Card Name
- E Card Type
- Skills and/or Blood Cost
- E Main Menu
- Enter Search KeysB
- E Frequency
- E Card Name
- E Card Type
- Skills and/or Blood Cost
- E Ownership
- E Main Menu
- Hit RETURN to initiate search
- Detailed Card ListB
- E Card Name
- E Card Type
- E Frequency
- Number Owned
- Total Number of Cards Held:
- E Main Menu
- Print List
- Find All
- E No Skills
- Include Skills
- E Checklist
- Detailed Card List w/SkillsB
- E Card Name
- E Card Type
- E Frequency
- Number
- Owned
- Total Number of Cards Held:
- E Main Menu
- Print List
- Find All
- Include Skills
- E No Skills
- Skills and/or Blood Cost
- E Checklist
- A$Detailed Card List w/Owner ChecklistB
- E Card Name
- E Card Type
- Number Owned
- Total Number of Cards Held:
- E Main Menu
- Print List
- Find All
- Include Skills
- E Have one?
- E Checklist
- E No Skills
- Card Totals VampiresB
- E Card Name
- E Card Type
- E Frequency
- Total Vampires
- E Main Menu
- Print List
- Card Totals CommonB
- E Card Name
- E Card Type
- E Frequency
- Total Common
- E Main Menu
- Print List
- Card Totals UncommonB
- E Card Name
- E Card Type
- E Frequency
- Total Uncommon
- E Main Menu
- Print List
- Card Totals RareB
- E Card Name
- E Card Type
- E Frequency
- Total Rare
- E Main Menu
- Print List
- RareB
- Aaron's Feeding RazorD
- Unique EquipmentE
- Rare (2)B
- Al's Army ApparatusD
- Master: LocationE
- BrujahI
- RareB
- Anarch TroublemakerD
- Unique MasterI
- RareB
- Arcane LibraryD
- Master: Unique LocationE Tremere,2I
- RareB
- Art MuseumD
- Master: Unique LocationE
- Toreador,2I
- Rare (2)B
- Behind YouD
- CombatE
- RareB
- BetrayerD
- MasterI
- RareB
- Blood PuppyD
- Unique MasterE
- RareB
- Body of SunD
- CombatE
- pt,(4)I
- RareB
- Brujah JusticarD
- Political ActionI
- Rare (2)B
- Burst of SunlightD
- CombatE
- Rare (2)B
- Business PressureD
- Action ModE
- RareB
- Cat BurglaryD
- ActionE
- RareB
- Charnas the ImpD
- RetainerE
- Tremere,(1)I
- RareB
- Conquer the BeastD
- CombatE
- Rare (2)B
- Cunctator MotionD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Curse of NitocrisD
- Unique Master
- Rare (2)B
- Day OperationD
- ActionE
- fo,(1)I
- Rare (2)B
- DistractionD
- ActionE
- ce,(1)I
- RareB
- Eco TerroristsD
- Master: Unique LocationE Gangrel,2I
- RareB
- EntrancementD
- ActionE
- Rare (2)B
- Far MasteryD
- ActionE
- do,(1)I
- RareB
- Fists of DeathD
- CombatE
- po,(1)I
- Rare (2)B
- Flesh of MarbleD
- CombatE
- RareB
- Fragment of the Book of NodD
- Unique MasterI
- Rare (2)B
- Freak DriveD
- Action ModE
- fo,(1)I
- RareB
- Gangrel JusticarD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Ghoul EscortD
- RetainerI
- RareB
- Ghoul RetainerD
- RetainerE
- RareB
- Giant's BloodD
- MasterI
- RareB
- Golconda
- Inner PeaceD
- MasterI
- Rare (2)B
- Hell HoundD
- AllyE
- Rare (2)B
- High StakesD
- Political ActionE
- VentrueI
- RareB
- Hostile Take OverD
- MasterE Ventrue,1I
- Rare (2)B
- Immortal GrappleD
- CombatE
- RareB Ivory BowD EquipmentE
- Rare (2)B
- Jackie ThermanD
- RetainerI
- Rare (2)B
- J. S. Simmons Esq.D
- RetainerI
- Kindred IntelligenceD
- ActionE NosferatuI
- RareB
- Kindred Society GamesD
- MasterE
- ToreadorI
- RareB
- Kine DominanceD
- ActionE
- do,(2)I
- RareB
- Madness NetworkD
- Unique MasterE MalkavianI
- RareB
- Magic of the SmithD
- ActionE
- th,(1)I
- RareB
- Malkavian JusticarD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Malkavian PrankD
- MasterE MalkavianI
- RareB
- Malkavian Time AuctionD
- MasterE MalkavianI
- RareB
- Milicent SmithD
- Unique MasterI
- RareB
- Monocle of Clarity
- Unique EquipmentI
- Rare (2)B
- Mr. WinthropD
- RetainerI
- Rare (2)B
- Murder of CrowsD
- RetainerE
- an,(1)I
- RareB
- Nosferatu JusticarD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Patagia
- Flaps
- ActionE NosferatuI
- RareB
- Physchic ProjectionD
- ActionE
- RareB
- Political AllyD
- AllyE Ventrue,2I
- RareB
- Praxis Seizure: AtlantaD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Praxis Seizure: BostonD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Praxis Seizure: ChicagoD
- Political ActionI
- Praxis Seizure: ClevelandD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Praxis Seizure: DallasD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Praxis Seizure: HoustonD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Praxis Seizure: MiamiD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Praxis Seizure: SeattleD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Praxis Seizure: Washington DCD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Psychic ProjectionD
- ActionE
- RareB
- Psychic VeilD
- ActionE
- ob,(1)I
- Rare (2)B
- Pulled FangsD
- CombatI
- Rare (2)B
- Renegade GarouD
- CE Gangrel,5I
- Rare (2)B
- Resplendent ProtectorD
- RetainerE
- ToreadorI
- RareB
- Ritual ChalengeD
- ActionE
- Gangrel,(1)I
- Rare (2)B
- Ritual of the Bitter RoseD
- Combat/ReactionI
- RareB
- Rowan RingD
- Unique EquipmentE
- RareB
- RPG LauncherD EquipmentE
- Rare (2)B
- Rumors of GehennaD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Sengir DaggerD EquipmentE
- RareB
- Smiling Jack the AnarchD
- Unique MasterI
- RareB
- Society of LeopoldD
- Unique MasterI
- Soul Gem of EtriusD
- Unique EquipmentI
- RareB
- Succubus ClubD
- Master: Unique LocationI
- RareB
- Talbot's ChainsawD
- Unique WeaponE
- Rare (2)B
- Tasha MorganD
- RetainerI
- Rare (2)B
- Telepathic Vote CountingD
- Action ModE
- RareB
- Temptation of Greater PowerD
- Master: JusticarE
- Rare (2)B
- Thadius Zho (Mage)D
- AllyE Tremere,4I
- Rare (2)B
- The EmbraceD
- ActionE
- Rare (2)B
- The 1st Tradition: MasqueradeD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- The Knights
- Unique AllyE
- Brujah,1I
- RareB
- The SlashersD
- Unique AllyE
- Brujah,1I
- RareB
- The Spawning PoolD
- Master: Unique LocationE NosferatuI
- RareB
- Toreador JusticarD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Tremere JusticarD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- Vampiric DiseaseD
- MasterI
- RareB
- Venture JusticarD
- Political ActionI
- RareB
- XTC Laced BloodD
- Master: Out of TurnI
- UncommonB
- Academic Hunting GroundsD
- Master: LocationE Tremere,2I
- UncommonB
- Aching BeautyD
- Master
- Toreador,2I
- UncommonB
- AmaranthD
- CombatI
- UncommonB
- Anarch RevoltD
- MasterI
- UncommonB
- Arms DealerD
- AllyE
- BrujahI
- UncommonB
- Assault RifleD EquipmentE
- UncommonB
- Asylum Hunting GroundD
- Master: Unique LocationE
- Malkavian,2I
- Uncommon (2)B
- Aura ReadingD
- CombatE
- UncommonB
- BackwaysD
- Master: Unique LocationE Gangrel,2I
- Uncommon (2)B
- Bastard SwordD EquipmentE
- UncommonB
- Blood BondD
- ActionE
- UncommonB BloodhuntD
- Action
- UncommonB
- BombD EquipmentE
- UncommonB
- Brujah FrenzyD
- Master: Out of TurnI
- Uncommon (2)B
- ChainsawD EquipmentE
- UncommonB
- Change of TargetD
- Action ModI
- UncommonB
- ChantryD
- Master: Unique LocationE
- TremereI
- UncommonB
- Charming LobbyD
- ActionE
- UncommonB
- Cryptic RiderD
- Action ModE
- UncommonB
- Cultivated Blood ShortageD
- MasterI
- UncommonB
- Dawn OperationsD
- Action ModE
- UncommonB
- Delaying TacticsD
- ReactionI
- UncommonB
- Disarming PresenceD
- Action ModE
- UncommonB
- Dragon Breath RoundsD
- CombatI
- UncommonB
- Drain EssenceD
- CombatE
- th,(2)I
- UncommonB
- Eagle's SightD
- ReactionE
- UncommonB
- Elder Kindred NetworkD
- ReactionE
- VentrueI
- UncommonB
- Elysium: The ArboretumD
- Master: Unique LocationI
- UncommonB
- FameD
- MasterI
- UncommonB
- Fast HandsD
- CombatE
- ce,(1)I
- UncommonB
- Flame ThrowerD EquipmentE
- Uncommon (2)B
- Form of MistD
- CombatE
- UncommonB
- Game of MalkavD
- MasterE MalkavianI
- UncommonB
- Gangrel De-evolutionD
- MasterI
- UncommonB
- Glaser RoundsD
- CombatI
- UncommonB
- Grave RobbingD
- ActionE
- Uncommon (2)B
- GrenadeD EquipmentI
- UncommonB
- GypsiesD
- AllyE Gangrel,3I
- UncommonB
- HomunculusD
- RetainerE
- Uncommon (2)B
- Infernal PursuitD
- CombatE
- UncommonB
- Information HighwayD
- Master: Unique LocationI
- Uncommon (2)B
- IR GogglesD EquipmentI
- Uncommon
- KRCG News RadioD
- Master: Unique LocationE
- UncommonB
- Letter from ViennaD
- MasterI
- UncommonB Life BoonD
- Master: Out of TurnI
- UncommonB
- Loyal Street GangD
- AllyE
- Brujah,1I
- UncommonB
- Major BoonD
- Master: Out of TurnI
- UncommonB
- Malkavian DementiaD
- MasterI
- Uncommon (2)B
- Manstopper RoundsD
- CombatI
- UncommonB
- Mask of 1,000 FacesD
- Action ModE
- UncommonB
- Masquerade EndangeredD
- Master: Out of TurnI
- UncommonB
- Metro Underground
- Master: Unique LocationI
- UncommonB
- Minor BoonD
- Master: Out of TurnI
- UncommonB
- Mob ConnectionsD
- Unique MasterI
- UncommonB
- Movement of the Slow BodyD
- ActionE
- UncommonB
- Muddled Vampire HunterD
- AllyE
- Malkavian,2I
- Uncommon (2)B
- Night MovesD
- ActionE
- UncommonB
- Nosferatu PutrescenceD
- CombatI
- UncommonB ObedienceD
- ReactionE
- UncommonB
- Outcast MageD
- AllyE Tremere,3I
- UncommonB
- Owl CompanionD
- RetainerE
- UncommonB
- Police DepartmentD
- Master: Unique LocationI
- UncommonB
- Powerbase: ChicagoD
- Master: Unique LocationE
- UncommonB
- Powerbase: Washington, D.C.D
- Master: Unique LocationE
- UncommonB
- PsycheD
- CombatE
- Uncommon (2)B
- Pulling StringsD
- ReactionE
- UncommonB
- Pulse of the CanailleD
- ActionE
- au,(3)I
- Uncommon (2)B
- RampageD
- ActionE
- UncommonB Raven SpyD
- RetainerE
- an,(1)I
- UncommonB
- RotschreckD
- Master: Out of TurnI
- UncommonB
- Scorn of AdonisD
- Action ModE
- ToreadorI
- UncommonB
- Skin of NightD
- CombatE
- UncommonB
- Slum Hunting GroundD
- Master: Unique LocationE
- Nosferatu,2I
- UncommonB
- Society Hunting GroundD
- Master: Unique LocationE
- ToreadorI
- Uncommon (2)B
- Sport BikeD EquipmentE
- UncommonB
- Spying MissionD
- Action ModE
- UncommonB
- StakeD EquipmentI
- UncommonB
- Storm SewersD
- Master: Unique LocationE NosferatuI
- Uncommon (2)B
- Submachine Gun
- D EquipmentE
- UncommonB
- Sudden ReversalD
- Master: Out of TurnI
- UncommonB
- Taste of VitaeD
- CombatI
- UncommonB
- The 2nd Tradition: DomainD
- ReactionI
- UncommonB
- The 3rd Tradition: ProgenyD
- ActionE
- UncommonB
- The 4th Tradition: AccountingD
- ActionE
- UncommonB
- The 5th Tradition: HospitalityD
- ActionE
- UncommonB
- The 6th Tradition: DestructionD
- ActionI
- UncommonB
- The LabyrinthD
- Master: Unique LocationE
- Nosferatu,1I
- UncommonB
- The RackD
- Master: Unique LocationI
- UncommonB
- Torn SignpostD
- CombatE
- UncommonB
- Tragic Love AffairD
- MasterI
- Uncommon (2)B
- Undead PersistenceD
- CombatE
- UncommonB
- Uptown Hunting GroundD
- Master: Unique LocationE Ventrue,2I
- UncommonB
- Vast WealthD
- MasterI
- UncommonB
- Ventrue HeadquartersD
- Master: Unique LocationE Ventrue,1I
- Uncommon (2)B
- Voter CaptivationD
- Action ModE
- UncommonB
- VulnerabilityD
- MasterE
- Uncommon (2)B
- Walk of FlameD
- CombatE
- UncommonB
- Warzone Hunting GroundD
- Master: Unique LocationE
- Brujah,2I
- UncommonB
- Weather ControlD
- CombatE
- UncommonB
- Well-aimed CarD
- CombatE
- Uncommon (2)B
- Wolf CompanionD
- RetainerE
- an,(1)I
- Uncommon (2)B
- Zip GunD
- CombatI
- UncommonB
- Zoo Hunting GroundD
- Master: Unique LocationE Gangrel,2I
- Non-VampireB
- ArchonD
- Political ActionI
- Non-VampireB
- Dramatic UpheavalD
- Political ActionI
- Non-VampireB
- Kindred RestructureD
- Political ActionI
- Non-VampireB
- Kindred SegregationD
- Political ActionI
- Non-VampireB
- LextalionisD
- Political ActionI
- Non-VampireB
- Masquerade EnforcementD
- Political ActionI
- Non-VampireB
- Parity ShiftD
- Political ActionI
- Non-VampireB
- Praxis: SolomonD
- Political ActionI
- Non-VampireB
- Reversal of FortunesD
- Political ActionI
- Non-VampireB
- Sabbat ThreatD
- Political ActionI
- VampireB
- AngelD
- BrujahE
- 2, ceI
- VampireB
- AnvilD
- Brujah-PrimogenE
- 6, th,do,ps,PO,CEI
- VampireB
- AppoloniusD
- Brujah-PrimogenE
- 10, fo,po,PS,CEI
- VampireB
- BiancaD
- BrujahE
- 6, ps,po,CEI
- VampireB Black CatD
- BrujahE
- 5, ps,po,CEI
- VampireB
- CrusherD
- Brujah-PrimogenE
- 9, fo,PS,PO,CEI
- VampireB
- Don Cruez
- The IdealistD
- Brujah-JusticarE
- 10, pt,do,an,PS,PO,CEI
- VampireB
- Leader of the Cold DawnD
- BrujahE
- 3, po,ceI
- VampireB
- Hector SosaD
- BrujahE
- 4, ps,POI
- VampireB
- LupoD
- Brujah
- 2, poI
- VampireB
- Miranda SanovaD
- Brujah-PrimogenE
- 8, au,ob,po,PS,CEI
- VampireB
- RakeD
- Brujah-PrinceE
- 6, po,au,ce,PSI
- VampireB
- Tura VaughnD
- Brujah-PrimogenE
- 8, do,PS,PO,CEI
- VampireB Uma HatchD
- BrujahE
- 3, ps,ceI
- VampireB
- The TalonD
- BrujahE
- 4, ce,po,psI
- VampireB
- Hasina KesiD
- CaitiffE
- 1, poI
- VampireB
- The HungryD
- CaitiffE
- 1, ps,ptI
- VampireB
- Navar McClarenD
- CaitiffE
- 1, anI
- VampireB
- CaitiffE
- 1, ceI
- VampireB
- Smudge
- The IgnoredD
- CaitiffE
- 1, -I
- VampireB
- Uriah WinterD
- CaitiffE
- 1, po,foI
- VampireB
- Anastasia GreyD
- GangrelE
- 3, pt,anI
- VampireB
- Angus
- The UnruledD
- Gangrel-JusticarE
- 10, ce,po,fo,PT,AUI
- VampireB
- BadgerD
- GangrelE
- 6, an,po,PT,FOI
- VampireB
- BasiliaD
- Gangrel-PrimogenE
- 10, po,ob,PT,FO,ANI
- VampireB
- Bear PawD
- GangrelE
- 5, pt,ps,for,ANI
- VampireB
- Camille DevereuxD
- GangrelE
- 5, an,PT,FOI
- VampireB
- Gitane St. Claire
- Gangrel-PrimogenE
- 7, PT,FO,ANI
- VampireB
- Giuliano VincenziD
- GangrelE
- 2, foI
- VampireB
- Gunther
- Beast LordD
- GangrelE
- 7, au,pt,fo,ANI
- VampireB
- Quinton McDonnellD
- Gangrel-PrimogenE
- 8. ce,pt,an,FOI
- VampireB
- Ricki Van DemsyD
- GangrelE
- 3. pt,foI
- VampireB
- Roman AlexanderD
- GangrelE
- 4. pt,fo,anI
- VampireB
- Vliam AndorD
- GangrelE
- 2. anI
- VampireB
- WynnD
- Gangrel-PrimogenE
- 10. po,ob,PT,FO,ANI
- VampireB
- Zack NorthD
- GangrelE
- 6, po,pt,fo,anI
- VampireB
- AlephD MalkavianE
- 4, do,AUI
- VampireB
- BrazilD MalkavianE
- 2, auI
- VampireB
- Dancin' DanaD MalkavianE
- 6, ce,ob,AUI
- VampireB
- Didi MeyersD MalkavianE
- 5, au,ce,ob,DOI
- VampireB
- DollfaceD MalkavianE
- 3, au,obI
- VampireB
- Dr. JestD
- Malkavian-PrimogenE
- 8, fo,do,ps,au,OBI
- VampireB
- Gilbert DuaneD
- Malkavian-PrinceE
- 7, DO,OB,AUI
- VampireB
- LucianD
- Malkavian-JusticarE
- 10, ce,th,DO,AU,OBI
- VampireB
- Mariel
- Lady ThunderD Malkavian
- 7, au,th,DO,OBI
- VampireB
- NormalD MalkavianE
- 2, obI
- VampireB
- OzmoD MalkavianE
- 6, do,ob,AUI
- VampireB
- Roland BishopD MalkavianE
- 4, do,ob,auI
- VampireB
- Roxanne
- Rectrix 13th FloorD
- Malkavian-PrimogenE
- 9, po,FO,DO,AU,OBI
- VampireB
- Sylvester SimmsD
- Malkavian-PrimogenE
- 8, ps,an,do,AU,OBI
- VampireB
- ZebulonD MalkavianE
- 5, pt,do,au,OBI
- VampireB AgrippinaD NosferatuE
- 4, po,OBI
- VampireB
- Chester DuBoisD
- Nosferatu-PrimogenE
- 7, ob,fo,PO,ANI
- Andreas
- Crete
- Black
- Chainsaw
- Dancin
- Dragon
- Breath
- Rounds
- Fake
- Gitane
- Claire
- Illegal
- Search
- Seizure
- Lazarus
- Faces
- Nimble
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Cleveland
- Intentions
- Saturday
- Night
- Special
- Sport
- Tradition
- Progeny
- VampireB
- DimpleD NosferatuE
- 2, obI
- VampireB
- DuckD NosferatuE
- 3, po,obI
- VampireB
- Ebenezer RoushD NosferatuE
- 8, pt,PO,OB,ANI
- VampireB
- Grendel
- The Worm EaterD NosferatuE
- 5, po,an,OBI
- VampireB
- KokoD NosferatuE
- 2, poI
- VampireB
- Lucretia
- Cess QueenD
- Nosferatu-PrimogenE
- 10, ce,fo,au,po,OB,ANI
- VampireB
- Marty LechtansiD
- Nosferatu-PrimogenE
- 9, fo,an,DO,PO,OBI
- VampireB
- SammyD NosferatuE 4pt,ob,anI
- VampireB
- Sebastian MarleyD Nosferatu
- 7, po,au,ob,ANI
- VampireB
- Selma
- The RepugnantD
- Nosferatu-PrinceE
- 8, an,fo,PO,OBI
- VampireB
- Sheldon
- Lord of the ClogD
- Nosferatu-JusticarE
- 9, fo,AU,PO,OB,ANI
- VampireB
- Tiberius
- ScandalmongerD NosferatuE
- 5, ce,po,ob,anI
- VampireB
- TalebearerD NosferatuE
- 6, an,po,OBI
- VampireB
- AdrianneD
- ToreadorE
- 6, po,ps,ce,auI
- VampireB
- Andreas
- Bard of CreteD
- Toreador-PrimogenE
- 9, pt,do,PS,CE,AUI
- VampireB
- AnnekeD
- Toreador-JusticarE
- 10, do,PS,CE,AUI
- VampireB
- AnsonD
- Toreador-PrinceE
- 8, do,au,PR,CEI
- VampireB
- Colin FlynnD
- ToreadorE
- 3, ce,auI
- VampireB
- Delilah EastonD
- ToreadorE
- 2, psI
- VampireB
- Demetrius SlaterD
- ToreadorE
- 4, ps,cel,auI
- VampireB
- Dieter KleistD
- ToreadorE
- 2, auI
- VampireB
- Dorian StrackD
- ToreadorE
- 4, ce,AUI
- VampireB!Elliot Sinclair
- Virtuoso ThespianD
- Toreador-PrimogenE
- 7, ce,au,PSI
- VampireB
- Felicia MostromD
- ToreadorE
- 5, ps,CEL,AUI
- VampireB
- Kallista
- Master Sculptor
- ToreadorE
- 6, pt,ps,CE,AUI
- VampireB
- MasikaD
- Toreador-PrimogenE
- 10, PS,CE,AUI
- VampireB
- Ramiel DupreD
- ToreadorE
- 5, au,ce,do,PSI
- VampireB
- Tatiana RomanovD
- Toreador-PrinceE
- 7, ps,ce,AUI
- VampireB
- Astrid ThomasD
- Tremere-PrimogenE
- 7 po,au,DO,THI
- VampireB
- CardanoD
- Tremere-PrinceE
- 9, ce,an,au,FO,DO,THI
- VampireB
- Cassandra
- Magus PrimeD
- Tremere-PrimogenE
- 10, ce,pr,DO,AU,THI
- VampireB
- Dr. John CaseyD
- TremereE
- 3, th,auI
- VampireB
- Ignatius
- TremereE
- 4, do,au,thI
- VampireB
- Jing WeiD
- TremereE
- 3, do,thI
- VampireB
- Justine
- Elder of DallasD
- Tremere-PrimogenE
- 8, ob,DO,AU,THI
- VampireB
- LazarusD
- Tremere-PrimogenE
- 9, ce,po,DO,AU,THI
- VampireB
- Lydia Van CuelenD
- TremereE
- 6, do,ps,au,thI
- VampireB
- Merill MolitorD
- TremereE
- 5, fo,au,THI
- VampireB
- Roreca QuaidD
- TremereE
- 2, thI
- VampireB
- Sabine LafitteD
- TremereE
- 5, po,do,au,thI
- VampireB
- Sarah CobblerD
- TremereE
- 4, do,THI
- VampireB
- Thomas ThorneD
- TremereE
- 6, an,au,ce,th,DOI
- VampireB
- Ulugh Beg
- The WatcherD
- Tremere-JusticarE
- 10, ce,fo,po,DO,AU,THI
- VampireB
- Courtland LeightonD
- VentrueE
- 4, do,fo,psI
- VampireB
- DemocritusD
- Ventrue-JusticarE
- 10, ce,au,fo,DO,PSI
- VampireB
- Emerson BridgesD
- Ventrue-PrinceE
- 8, po,DO,PS,FOI
- VampireB
- Gideon FontaineD
- VentrueE
- 3, PSI
- VampireB
- Heather Florent
- OpportunistD
- VentrueE
- 6, do,PS,FOI
- VampireB
- Helena CasimirD
- Ventrue-Primogen
- 9, fo,ce,PO,PS,DOI
- VampireB
- Jazz WentworthD
- VentrueE
- 5, do,fo,PSI
- VampireB
- Lucia PacciolaD
- VentrueE
- 6, fo,ps,DOI
- VampireB
- Melissa BartonD
- VentrueE
- 5, ce,do,ps,foI
- VampireB
- Natasha VolfchekD
- Ventrue-PrimogenE
- 9, ce,po,do,PS,FOI
- VampireB
- Roland LoussarianD
- VentrueE
- 3, ps,foI
- VampireB
- Rufina SoledadD
- VentrueE
- 2, foI
- VampireB
- Sir Walter NashD
- Ventrue-PrinceE
- 7, DO,PS,FOI
- VampireB
- Timothy CrowleyD
- Ventrue-PrinceE
- 7, an,do,PS,FO
- VampireB
- Violette PrentisD
- VentrueE
- 4, do,PSI
- CommonB
- .44 MagnumD EquipmentE
- CommonB
- AcrobaticsD
- CombatE
- ce,(1)I
- CommonB
- Aid from BatsD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Ancient InfluenceD
- Political ActionI
- CommonB
- Ancilla EmpowermentD
- Political ActionI
- CommonB AnimalismD
- Master: SkillI
- CommonB
- Army of RatsD
- ActionE
- CommonB
- ArsonD
- ActionI
- CommonB
- AscendanceD
- MasterI
- CommonB
- AuspexD
- Master: SkillI
- CommonB
- Autarkis PersecutionD
- Political ActionI
- CommonB
- Bewitching OrationD
- Action ModE
- CommonB
- Blood DollD
- MasterI
- CommonB
- Blood FuryD
- CombatE
- th,(1)I
- CommonB
- Blood RageD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- BlurD
- CombatE
- ce,(1)I
- CommonB
- BondingD
- Action ModE
- CommonB
- Boxed InD
- CombatI
- CommonB BrainwashD
- MasterI
- CommonB
- BribesD
- Action ModI
- CommonB
- Bum's RushD
- ActionI
- CommonB
- Camarilla Exemplary
- Political ActionI
- CommonB
- Canine HordeD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Cat's GuidanceD
- ReactionE
- CommonB
- Cauldron of BloodD
- CombatE
- th,(1)I
- CommonB
- CelerityD
- Master: SkillI
- CommonB
- Claws of the DeadD
- CombatE
- pt,(1)I
- CommonB
- Cloak the GatheringD
- Action ModE
- CommonB
- Computer HackingD
- ActionI
- CommonB
- Concealed WeaponD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- ConditioningD
- Action ModE
- do,(1)I
- CommonB
- Consanguineous Boon
- Political ActionI
- CommonB
- Consanguineous CondemnationD
- Political ActionI
- CommonB
- Conservative AgitationD
- Political ActionI
- CommonB
- Cryptic MissionD
- ActionE
- CommonB
- Dead-end AlleyD
- CombatI
- CommonB
- Deal with the DevilD
- MasterI
- CommonB
- Deer RifleD EquipmentE
- CommonB
- DeflectionD
- ReactionE
- do,1I
- CommonB
- Disguised WeaponD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Disputed TerritoryD
- Political ActionI
- CommonB
- DodgeD
- CombatI
- CommonB
- Domain ChallengeD
- Political ActionI
- CommonB
- DominateD
- Master: SkillI
- CommonB
- Drawing Out the BeastD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Dread GazeD
- ReactionE
- CommonB
- Earth ControlD
- Action ModE
- pt,(1)I
- CommonB
- Earth MeldD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Effective ManagementD
- MasterI
- CommonB
- Elder LibraryD
- Master: LocationI
- CommonB
- Enchant KindredD
- ActionE
- CommonB
- Enhanced SensesD
- ReactionE
- CommonB
- Faceless Night
- Action ModE
- CommonB
- Fake OutD
- CombatI
- CommonB
- Fast ReactionD
- ReactionE
- CommonB
- Flak JacketD EquipmentE
- CommonB
- FlashD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Form of the GhostD
- CombatE
- CommonB FortitudeD
- Master: SkillI
- CommonB
- FrenzyD
- Master: Out of TurnI
- CommonB
- Gird MinionsD
- MasterI
- CommonB
- Gleam of Red EyesD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Govern the UnalignedD
- ActionE
- do,(1)I
- CommonB
- Growing FuryD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Haven UncoveredD
- MasterI
- CommonB
- HawgD EquipmentI
- CommonB
- Hidden LurkerD
- ActionE
- CommonB
- Illegal Search and SeizureD
- MasterI
- CommonB
- IndomitabilityD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Kine Resources ContestedD
- Political ActionI
- CommonB
- Laptop ComputerD EquipmentE
- CommonB
- Legal ManipulationsD
- ActionE
- ps,(1)I
- CommonB
- Lost in CrowdsD
- Action ModE
- CommonB
- Lucky BlowD
- CombatI
- CommonB
- MajestyD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Mighty GrappleD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Minion TapD
- MasterI
- CommonB
- MisdirectionD
- MasterE
- CommonB
- Movement of the MindD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Nimble FeetD
- CombatE
- CommonB ObfuscateD
- Master: SkillI
- CommonB
- Open GrateD
- CombatI
- CommonB
- Peace TreatyD
- Political ActionI
- CommonB
- Political BacklashD
- ReactionI
- CommonB
- Political FluxD
- Political ActionI
- CommonB
- PotenceD
- Master: SkillI
- CommonB
- Presence
- Master: SkillI
- CommonB
- ProteanD
- Master: SkillI
- CommonB
- Protracted InvestmentD
- MasterE
- CommonB
- Rapid HealingD
- ActionE
- CommonB
- Rat's WarningD
- ReactionE
- CommonB
- Read IntentionsD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Regaining the Upper HandD
- Political ActionI
- CommonB
- RestorationD
- ActionE
- CommonB
- Saturday Night SpecialD EquipmentE
- CommonB
- Sawed-off ShotgunD EquipmentE
- CommonB SeductionD
- Action ModE
- CommonB
- Shattering BlowD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Short Term InvestmentD
- MasterE
- CommonB
- SideslipD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Skin of RockD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Skin of SteelD
- CombatE
- fo,(1)I
- CommonB
- Social CharmD
- ActionE
- CommonB
- Surprise InfluenceD
- ReactionI
- CommonB
- Telepathic CounterD
- ReactionE
- CommonB
- Telepathic MisdirectionD
- ReactionE
- au,(1)I
- CommonB
- ThaumaturgyD
- Master: SkillI
- CommonB
- The Barrens
- Master: Unique LocationI
- CommonB
- The Spirit's TouchD
- ReactionE
- CommonB
- Theft of VitaeD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- ThreatsD
- Action ModE
- CommonB
- Thrown GateD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Thrown Sewer LidD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- TrapD
- CombatI
- CommonB
- Undead StrengthD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Unflinching PersistenceD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Unnatural DisasterD
- MasterE
- CommonB
- Vampiric SpeedD
- CombatE
- Common
- Vanish from Mind's EyeD
- CombatE
- CommonB
- Wake with Evenings FreshnessD
- ReactionI
- CommonB
- Wolf ClawsD
- CombatE
- pt,(1)I
- Magnum
- Aaron's
- Feeding
- Razor
- Academic
- Hunting
- Grounds
- Aching
- Beauty
- Acrobatics
- ~ Adrianne
- Agrippina
- Apparatus
- Aleph
- Amaranth
- Anarch
- Revolt
- Anarch
- Troublemaker
- Anastasia
- Ancient
- Influence
- Ancilla
- Empowerment
- Andreas
- Crete
- Angel
- Angus
- Unruled
- Animalism
- Anneke
- Anson
- Anvil
- Appolonius
- Arcane
- Library
- Archon
- Dealer
- Arson
- Museum
- Ascendance
- Assault
- Rifle
- Astrid
- Thomas
- Asylum
- Hunting
- Ground
- Reading
- Auspex
- Autarkis
- Persecution
- Backways
- Badger
- Basilia
- Bastard
- Sword
- Bear
- Behind
- Betrayer
- Bewitching
- Oration
- Bianca
- Black
- Blood
- Blood
- Blood
- Blood
- Puppy
- Blood
- Bloodhunt
- Bonding
- Boxed
- Brainwash
- Brazil
- Bribes
- Brujah
- Frenzy
- Brujah
- Justicar
- Bum's
- Burst
- Sunlight
- Business
- Pressure
- Camarilla
- Exemplary
- Camille
- Devereux
- Canine
- Horde
- Cardano
- Cassandra
- Magus
- Prime
- Burglary
- Cat's
- Guidance
- Cauldron
- Blood
- Celerity
- Chainsaw
- Change
- Target
- Chantry
- Charming
- Lobby
- Charnas
- Chester
- Dubois
- Claws
- Cloak
- Gathering
- Colin
- Flynn
- Computer
- Hacking
- Concealed
- Weapon
- Conditioning
- Conquer
- Beast
- Consanguineous
- Consanguineous
- Condemnation
- Conservative
- Agitation
- Courtland
- Leighton
- Crusher
- Cryptic
- Mission
- Cryptic
- Rider
- Cultivated
- Blood
- Shortage
- Cunctator
- Motion
- Curse
- Nitocris
- Dancin
- Operations
- Operation
- Dead-end
- Alley
- Devil
- Rifle
- Deflection
- Delaying
- Tactics
- Delilah
- Easton
- Demetrius
- Slater
- Democritus
- Meyers
- Dieter
- Kleist
- Dimple
- Disarming
- Presence
- Disguised
- Weapon
- Disputed
- Territory
- Distraction
- Dodge
- Dollface
- Domain
- Challenge
- Dominate
- Cruez
- Idealist
- Dorian
- Strack
- Casey
- Dragon
- Breath
- Rounds
- Drain
- Essence
- Dramatic
- Upheaval
- Drawing
- Beast
- Leader
- Dread
- Eagle's
- Sight
- Earth
- Control
- Earth
- Ebenezer
- Roush
- Terrorists
- Effective
- Management
- Elder
- Kindred
- Network
- Elder
- Library
- "Elliot
- Sinclair
- Virtuoso
- Thespian
- Elysium
- Arboretum
- Emerson
- Bridges
- Enchant
- Kindred
- Enhanced
- Senses
- Entrancement
- Faceless
- Night
- Fake
- Mastery
- Hands
- Reaction
- Felicia
- Mostrom
- Fists
- Death
- Jacket
- Flame
- Thrower
- Flash
- Flesh
- Marble
- Ghost
- Fortitude
- Fragment
- Freak
- Drive
- Frenzy
- Malkav
- Gangrel
- De-evolution
- Gangrel
- Justicar
- Ghoul
- Escort
- Ghoul
- Retainer
- Giant's
- Blood
- Gideon
- Fontaine
- Gilbert
- Duane
- Minions
- Gitane
- Claire
- Giuliano
- Vincenzi
- Glaser
- Rounds
- Gleam
- Golconda
- Inner
- Peace
- Govern
- Unaligned
- Grave
- Robbing
- Grenade
- Grendel
- Eater
- Growing
- Gunther
- Beast
- Gypsies
- Hasina
- Haven
- Uncovered
- Heather
- Florent
- Opportunist
- Hector
- Helena
- Casimir
- Hound
- Hidden
- Lurker
- Stakes
- Homunculus
- Hostile
- D Ignatius
- Hungry
- Illegal
- Search
- Seizure
- Immortal
- Grapple
- Indomitability
- Infernal
- Pursuit
- Information
- Highway
- Goggles
- Ivory
- Simmons
- Jackie
- Therman
- Wentworth
- j Jing
- Justine
- Elder
- Dallas
- Kallista
- Master
- Sculptor
- Kindred
- Intelligence
- Kindred
- Restructure
- Kindred
- Segregation
- Kindred
- Society
- Games
- Dominance
- Resources
- Contested
- Radio
- Laptop
- Computer
- Lazarus
- Legal
- Manipulations
- Letter
- Vienna
- Lextalionis
- Crowds
- Loyal
- Street
- Lucia
- Pacciola
- Lucian
- Lucky
- Lucretia
- Queen
- Lydia
- Cuelen
- Madness
- Network
- Magic
- Smith
- Majesty
- Major
- Malkavian
- Dementia
- Malkavian
- Justicar
- Malkavian
- Prank
- Malkavian
- Auction
- Manstopper
- Rounds
- Mariel
- Thunder
- Marty
- Lechtansi
- Masika
- Faces
- Masquerade
- Endangered
- Masquerade
- Enforcement
- Melissa
- Barton
- Merill
- Molitor
- Metro
- Underground
- Mighty
- Grapple
- Milicent
- Smith
- Minion
- Minor
- Miranda
- Sanova
- Misdirection
- Connections
- Monocle
- Clarity
- Movement
- Movement
- Winthrop
- Muddled
- Vampire
- Hunter
- Murder
- Crows
- Natasha
- Volfchek
- Navar
- Mcclaren
- Night
- Moves
- Nimble
- Normal
- Nosferatu
- Justicar
- Nosferatu
- Putrescence
- Obedience
- Obfuscate
- Grate
- Outcast
- Companion
- Parity
- Shift
- Patagia
- Flaps
- Peace
- Treaty
- Physchic
- Projection
- Police
- Department
- Political
- Political
- Backlash
- Political
- Potence
- Powerbase
- Chicago
- Powerbase
- Washington
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Atlanta
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Boston
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Chicago
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Cleveland
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Dallas
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Houston
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Miami
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Seattle
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Washington
- Praxis
- Solomon
- Presence
- Protean
- Protracted
- Investment
- Psyche
- Psychic
- Projection
- Psychic
- Pulled
- Fangs
- Pulling
- Strings
- Pulse
- Canaille
- Quinton
- Mcdonnell
- Ramiel
- Dupre
- Rampage
- Rapid
- Healing
- Rat's
- Warning
- Raven
- Intentions
- Regaining
- Upper
- Renegade
- Garou
- Resplendent
- Protector
- Restoration
- Reversal
- Fortunes
- Ricki
- Demsy
- Ritual
- Chalenge
- Ritual
- Bitter
- Roland
- Bishop
- Roland
- Loussarian
- Roman
- Alexander
- Roreca
- Quaid
- Rotschreck
- Rowan
- Roxanne
- Rectrix
- Floor
- Launcher
- Rufina
- Soledad
- Rumors
- Gehenna
- Sabbat
- Threat
- Sabine
- Lafitte
- Sammy
- Sarah
- Cobbler
- Saturday
- Night
- Special
- Sawed-off
- Shotgun
- Scorn
- Adonis
- Sebastian
- Marley
- Seduction
- Selma
- Repugnant
- Sengir
- Dagger
- Shattering
- Sheldon
- Short
- Investment
- @ Sideslip
- Walter
- Night
- Steel
- Hunting
- Ground
- Smiling
- Anarch
- Smudge
- Ignored
- Social
- Charm
- Society
- Hunting
- Ground
- Society
- Leopold
- Etrius
- Sport
- Spying
- Mission
- Stake
- Storm
- Sewers
- Submachine
- Succubus
- Sudden
- Reversal
- Surprise
- Influence
- Sylvester
- Simms
- Talbot's
- Chainsaw
- Tasha
- Morgan
- Taste
- Vitae
- Tatiana
- Romanov
- Telepathic
- Counter
- Telepathic
- Misdirection
- Telepathic
- Counting
- Temptation
- Greater
- Power
- Thadius
- Thaumaturgy
- Tradition
- Masquerade
- Tradition
- Domain
- Tradition
- Progeny
- Tradition
- Accounting
- Tradition
- Hospitality
- Tradition
- Destruction
- Barrens
- Embrace
- Knights
- Labyrinth
- h The
- Slashers
- Spawning
- Spirit's
- Touch
- Theft
- Vitae
- Thomas
- Thorne
- Threats
- Thrown
- Thrown
- Sewer
- Tiberius
- Scandalmonger
- Timothy
- Crowley
- Toreador
- Justicar
- Signpost
- Tragic
- Affair
- Tremere
- Justicar
- Vaughn
- Talebearer
- Ulugh
- Watcher
- Hatch
- Undead
- Persistence
- Undead
- Strength
- Unflinching
- Persistence
- Unnatural
- Disaster
- Uptown
- Hunting
- Ground
- Uriah
- Winter
- Vampiric
- Disease
- Vampiric
- Speed
- Vanish
- Mind's
- Wealth
- Ventrue
- Headquarters
- Venture
- Justicar
- Violette
- Prentis
- Vliam
- Andor
- Voter
- Captivation
- Vulnerability
- Evenings
- Freshness
- Unique
- Master
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Combat
- Uncommon
- Unique
- Master
- Uncommon
- > Reaction
- Uncommon
- Uncommon
- Evenings
- Freshness
- Flame
- Warzone
- Hunting
- Ground
- Weather
- Control
- Well-aimed
- Claws
- Companion
- Laced
- Blood
- Talon
- North
- Zebulon
- Hunting
- Ground
- Unique
- Equipment
- Aaron's
- Feeding
- Razor
- Unique
- Equipment
- Master
- Location
- Apparatus
- Master
- Location
- Unique
- Master
- Anarch
- Troublemaker
- Unique
- Master
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Arcane
- Library
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Museum
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Combat
- Behind
- Combat
- Master
- Betrayer
- Master
- Unique
- Master
- Blood
- Puppy
- Unique
- Master
- Combat
- Combat
- Political
- Action
- Brujah
- Justicar
- Political
- Action
- Combat
- Burst
- Sunlight
- Combat
- Action
- Business
- Pressure
- Action
- Action
- Burglary
- Action
- Retainer
- Charnas
- Retainer
- Combat
- Conquer
- Beast
- Combat
- Political
- Action
- Cunctator
- Motion
- Political
- Action
- Unique
- Master
- Curse
- Nitocris
- Unique
- Master
- Action
- Operation
- Action
- Action
- Distraction
- Action
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Terrorists
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Action
- Entrancement
- Action
- Action
- Mastery
- Action
- Combat
- Fists
- Death
- Combat
- Combat
- Flesh
- Marble
- Combat
- Unique
- Master
- Fragment
- Unique
- Master
- Action
- Freak
- Drive
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Gangrel
- Justicar
- Political
- Action
- 8 Retainer
- Ghoul
- Escort
- 8 Retainer
- : Retainer
- Ghoul
- Retainer
- : Retainer
- Master
- Giant's
- Blood
- Master
- Master
- Golconda
- Inner
- Peace
- Master
- Hound
- Political
- Action
- Stakes
- Political
- Action
- Master
- Hostile
- Master
- Combat
- Immortal
- Grapple
- Combat
- Equipment
- Ivory
- Equipment
- J Retainer
- Jackie
- Therman
- J Retainer
- L Retainer
- Simmons
- L Retainer
- Action
- Kindred
- Intelligence
- Action
- Master
- Kindred
- Society
- Games
- Master
- Action
- Dominance
- Action
- Unique
- Master
- Madness
- Network
- Unique
- Master
- Action
- Magic
- Smith
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Malkavian
- Justicar
- Political
- Action
- Master
- Malkavian
- Prank
- Master
- Master
- Malkavian
- Auction
- Master
- Unique
- Master
- Milicent
- Smith
- Unique
- Master
- Unique
- Equipment
- Monocle
- Clarity
- Unique
- Equipment
- b Retainer
- Winthrop
- b Retainer
- d Retainer
- Murder
- Crows
- d Retainer
- Political
- Action
- Nosferatu
- Justicar
- Political
- Action
- Action
- Patagia
- Flaps
- Action
- Action
- Physchic
- Projection
- Action
- Political
- Political
- Action
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Atlanta
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Boston
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Chicago
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Cleveland
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Dallas
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Houston
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Miami
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Seattle
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Praxis
- Seizure
- Washington
- Political
- Action
- Action
- Psychic
- Projection
- Action
- Action
- Psychic
- Action
- Combat
- Pulled
- Fangs
- Combat
- Renegade
- Garou
- Retainer
- Resplendent
- Protector
- Retainer
- Action
- Ritual
- Chalenge
- Action
- Combat/reaction
- Ritual
- Bitter
- Combat/reaction
- Unique
- Equipment
- Rowan
- Unique
- Equipment
- Equipment
- Launcher
- Equipment
- Political
- Action
- Rumors
- Gehenna
- Political
- Action
- Equipment
- Sengir
- Dagger
- Equipment
- Unique
- Master
- Smiling
- Anarch
- Unique
- Master
- Unique
- Master
- Society
- Leopold
- Unique
- Master
- Unique
- Equipment
- Etrius
- Unique
- Equipment
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Succubus
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Unique
- Weapon
- Talbot's
- Chainsaw
- Unique
- Weapon
- Retainer
- Tasha
- Morgan
- Retainer
- Action
- Telepathic
- Counting
- Action
- Master
- Justicar
- Temptation
- Greater
- Power
- Master
- Justicar
- Thadius
- Action
- Embrace
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Tradition
- Masquerade
- Political
- Action
- Unique
- Knights
- Unique
- Unique
- Slashers
- Unique
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Spawning
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Political
- Action
- Toreador
- Justicar
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Tremere
- Justicar
- Political
- Action
- Master
- Vampiric
- Disease
- Master
- Political
- Action
- Venture
- Justicar
- Political
- Action
- Master
- Laced
- Blood
- Master
- Master
- Location
- Academic
- Hunting
- Grounds
- Uncommon
- Master
- Location
- Master
- Aching
- Beauty
- Uncommon
- Master
- Combat
- Amaranth
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Master
- Anarch
- Revolt
- Uncommon
- Master
- Dealer
- Uncommon
- Equipment
- Assault
- Rifle
- Uncommon
- Equipment
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Asylum
- Hunting
- Ground
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Combat
- Reading
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Backways
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Equipment
- Bastard
- Sword
- Uncommon
- Equipment
- Action
- Blood
- Uncommon
- Action
- Action
- Bloodhunt
- Uncommon
- Action
- Equipment
- Uncommon
- Equipment
- Master
- Brujah
- Frenzy
- Uncommon
- Master
- Equipment
- Chainsaw
- Uncommon
- Equipment
- Action
- Change
- Target
- Uncommon
- Action
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Chantry
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Action
- Charming
- Lobby
- Uncommon
- Action
- Action
- Cryptic
- Rider
- Uncommon
- Action
- Master
- Cultivated
- Blood
- Shortage
- Uncommon
- Master
- Action
- Operations
- Uncommon
- Action
- Reaction
- Delaying
- Tactics
- Uncommon
- Reaction
- Action
- Disarming
- Presence
- Uncommon
- Action
- Combat
- Dragon
- Breath
- Rounds
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Combat
- Drain
- Essence
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Reaction
- Eagle's
- Sight
- Uncommon
- Reaction
- Reaction
- Elder
- Kindred
- Network
- Uncommon
- Reaction
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Elysium
- Arboretum
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Master
- Uncommon
- Master
- Combat
- Hands
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Equipment
- Flame
- Thrower
- Uncommon
- Equipment
- Combat
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Master
- Malkav
- Uncommon
- Master
- Master
- Gangrel
- De-evolution
- Uncommon
- Master
- Combat
- Glaser
- Rounds
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Action
- Grave
- Robbing
- Uncommon
- Action
- Equipment
- Grenade
- Uncommon
- Equipment
- Gypsies
- Uncommon
- Retainer
- Homunculus
- Uncommon
- Retainer
- Combat
- Infernal
- Pursuit
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Information
- Highway
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Equipment
- Goggles
- Uncommon
- Equipment
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Radio
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Master
- Letter
- Vienna
- Uncommon
- Master
- Master
- Uncommon
- Master
- Loyal
- Street
- Uncommon
- Master
- Major
- Uncommon
- Master
- Master
- Malkavian
- Dementia
- Uncommon
- Master
- Combat
- Manstopper
- Rounds
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Action
- Faces
- Uncommon
- Action
- Master
- Masquerade
- Endangered
- Uncommon
- Master
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Metro
- Underground
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Master
- Minor
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Master
- Connections
- Uncommon
- Unique
- Master
- Action
- Movement
- Uncommon
- Action
- Muddled
- Vampire
- Hunter
- Uncommon
- Action
- Night
- Moves
- Uncommon
- Action
- Combat
- Nosferatu
- Putrescence
- Uncommon
- Combat
- 0 Reaction
- Obedience
- Uncommon
- 0 Reaction
- Outcast
- Uncommon
- Uncommon
- 4 Retainer
- Companion
- Uncommon
- 4 Retainer
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Police
- Department
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Powerbase
- Chicago
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Powerbase
- Washington
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Combat
- Psyche
- Uncommon
- Combat
- > Reaction
- Pulling
- Strings
- Uncommon
- > Reaction
- Action
- Pulse
- Canaille
- Uncommon
- Action
- Action
- Rampage
- Uncommon
- Action
- D Retainer
- Raven
- Uncommon
- D Retainer
- Master
- Rotschreck
- Uncommon
- Master
- Action
- Scorn
- Adonis
- Uncommon
- Action
- Combat
- Night
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Hunting
- Ground
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Society
- Hunting
- Ground
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Equipment
- Sport
- Uncommon
- Equipment
- Action
- Spying
- Mission
- Uncommon
- Action
- Equipment
- Stake
- Uncommon
- Equipment
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Storm
- Sewers
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Equipment
- Submachine
- Uncommon
- Equipment
- Master
- Sudden
- Reversal
- Uncommon
- Master
- Combat
- Taste
- Vitae
- Uncommon
- Combat
- ^ Reaction
- Tradition
- Domain
- Uncommon
- ^ Reaction
- Action
- Tradition
- Progeny
- Uncommon
- Action
- Action
- Tradition
- Accounting
- Uncommon
- Action
- Action
- Tradition
- Hospitality
- Uncommon
- Action
- Action
- Tradition
- Destruction
- Uncommon
- Action
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Labyrinth
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Combat
- Signpost
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Master
- Tragic
- Affair
- Uncommon
- Master
- Combat
- Undead
- Persistence
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Uptown
- Hunting
- Ground
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Master
- Wealth
- Uncommon
- Master
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Ventrue
- Headquarters
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Action
- Voter
- Captivation
- Uncommon
- Action
- Master
- Vulnerability
- Uncommon
- Master
- Combat
- Flame
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Warzone
- Hunting
- Ground
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Combat
- Weather
- Control
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Combat
- Well-aimed
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Retainer
- Companion
- Uncommon
- Retainer
- Combat
- Uncommon
- Combat
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Hunting
- Ground
- Uncommon
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Political
- Action
- Archon
- Non-vampire
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Dramatic
- Upheaval
- Non-vampire
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Kindred
- Restructure
- Non-vampire
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Kindred
- Segregation
- Non-vampire
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Lextalionis
- Non-vampire
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Masquerade
- Enforcement
- Non-vampire
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Parity
- Shift
- Non-vampire
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Praxis
- Solomon
- Non-vampire
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Reversal
- Fortunes
- Non-vampire
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Sabbat
- Threat
- Non-vampire
- Political
- Action
- Brujah
- Angel
- Vampire
- Brujah
- Brujah-primogen
- Anvil
- Vampire
- Brujah-primogen
- Brujah-primogen
- Appolonius
- Vampire
- Brujah-primogen
- Brujah
- Bianca
- Vampire
- Brujah
- Brujah
- Black
- Vampire
- Brujah
- Brujah-primogen
- Crusher
- Vampire
- Brujah-primogen
- Brujah-justicar
- Cruez
- Idealist
- Vampire
- Brujah-justicar
- Brujah
- Leader
- Vampire
- Brujah
- Brujah
- Hector
- Vampire
- Brujah
- Brujah
- Vampire
- Brujah
- Brujah-primogen
- Miranda
- Sanova
- Vampire
- Brujah-primogen
- Brujah-prince
- Vampire
- Brujah-prince
- Brujah-primogen
- Vaughn
- Vampire
- Brujah-primogen
- Brujah
- Hatch
- Vampire
- Brujah
- Brujah
- Talon
- Vampire
- Brujah
- Caitiff
- Hasina
- Vampire
- Caitiff
- Caitiff
- Hungry
- Vampire
- Caitiff
- Caitiff
- Navar
- Mcclaren
- Vampire
- Caitiff
- Brujah-prince
- Caitiff
- Gangrel
- Malkavian
- Nosferatu
- Nosferatu-justicar
- Tremere-primogen
- Common
- Common
- Master
- Location
- Common
- Common
- Common
- Caitiff
- Vampire
- Caitiff
- Caitiff
- Smudge
- Ignored
- Vampire
- Caitiff
- Caitiff
- Uriah
- Winter
- Vampire
- Caitiff
- Gangrel
- Anastasia
- Vampire
- Gangrel
- Gangrel-justicar
- Angus
- Unruled
- Vampire
- Gangrel-justicar
- Gangrel
- Badger
- Vampire
- Gangrel
- Gangrel-primogen
- Basilia
- Vampire
- Gangrel-primogen
- Gangrel
- Bear
- Vampire
- Gangrel
- Gangrel
- Camille
- Devereux
- Vampire
- Gangrel
- Gangrel-primogen
- Gitane
- Claire
- Vampire
- Gangrel-primogen
- Gangrel
- Giuliano
- Vincenzi
- Vampire
- Gangrel
- Gangrel
- Gunther
- Beast
- Vampire
- Gangrel
- Gangrel-primogen
- Quinton
- Mcdonnell
- Vampire
- Gangrel-primogen
- Gangrel
- Ricki
- Demsy
- Vampire
- Gangrel
- Gangrel
- Roman
- Alexander
- Vampire
- Gangrel
- Gangrel
- Vliam
- Andor
- Vampire
- Gangrel
- Gangrel-primogen
- Vampire
- Gangrel-primogen
- Gangrel
- North
- Vampire
- Gangrel
- Malkavian
- Aleph
- Vampire
- Malkavian
- Malkavian
- Brazil
- Vampire
- Malkavian
- Malkavian
- Dancin
- Vampire
- Malkavian
- Malkavian
- Meyers
- Vampire
- Malkavian
- Malkavian
- Dollface
- Vampire
- Malkavian
- Malkavian-primogen
- Vampire
- Malkavian-primogen
- Malkavian-prince
- Gilbert
- Duane
- Vampire
- Malkavian-prince
- Malkavian-justicar
- Lucian
- Vampire
- Malkavian-justicar
- Malkavian
- Mariel
- Thunder
- Vampire
- Malkavian
- Malkavian
- Normal
- Vampire
- Malkavian
- Malkavian
- Vampire
- Malkavian
- Malkavian
- Roland
- Bishop
- Vampire
- Malkavian
- Malkavian-primogen
- Roxanne
- Rectrix
- Floor
- Vampire
- Malkavian-primogen
- Malkavian-primogen
- Sylvester
- Simms
- Vampire
- Malkavian-primogen
- Malkavian
- Zebulon
- Vampire
- Malkavian
- Nosferatu
- Agrippina
- Vampire
- Nosferatu
- Nosferatu-primogen
- Chester
- Dubois
- Vampire
- Nosferatu-primogen
- Nosferatu
- Dimple
- Vampire
- Nosferatu
- Nosferatu
- Vampire
- Nosferatu
- Nosferatu
- Ebenezer
- Roush
- Vampire
- Nosferatu
- Nosferatu
- Grendel
- Eater
- Vampire
- Nosferatu
- Nosferatu
- Vampire
- Nosferatu
- Nosferatu-primogen
- Lucretia
- Queen
- Vampire
- Nosferatu-primogen
- Nosferatu-primogen
- Marty
- Lechtansi
- Vampire
- Nosferatu-primogen
- Nosferatu
- Sammy
- Vampire
- Nosferatu
- Nosferatu
- Sebastian
- Marley
- Vampire
- Nosferatu
- Nosferatu-prince
- Selma
- Repugnant
- Vampire
- Nosferatu-prince
- Nosferatu-justicar
- Sheldon
- Vampire
- Nosferatu-justicar
- Nosferatu
- Tiberius
- Scandalmonger
- Vampire
- Nosferatu
- Nosferatu
- Talebearer
- Vampire
- Nosferatu
- " Toreador
- Adrianne
- Vampire
- " Toreador
- Toreador-primogen
- Andreas
- Crete
- Vampire
- Toreador-primogen
- Toreador-justicar
- Anneke
- Vampire
- Toreador-justicar
- Toreador-prince
- Anson
- Vampire
- Toreador-prince
- * Toreador
- Colin
- Flynn
- Vampire
- * Toreador
- , Toreador
- Delilah
- Easton
- Vampire
- , Toreador
- . Toreador
- Demetrius
- Slater
- Vampire
- . Toreador
- 0 Toreador
- Dieter
- Kleist
- Vampire
- 0 Toreador
- 2 Toreador
- Dorian
- Strack
- Vampire
- 2 Toreador
- Toreador-primogen
- "Elliot
- Sinclair
- Virtuoso
- Thespian
- Vampire
- Toreador-primogen
- 6 Toreador
- Felicia
- Mostrom
- Vampire
- 6 Toreador
- 8 Toreador
- Kallista
- Master
- Sculptor
- Vampire
- 8 Toreador
- Toreador-primogen
- Masika
- Vampire
- Toreador-primogen
- < Toreador
- Ramiel
- Dupre
- Vampire
- < Toreador
- Toreador-prince
- Tatiana
- Romanov
- Vampire
- Toreador-prince
- Tremere-primogen
- Astrid
- Thomas
- Vampire
- Tremere-primogen
- Tremere-prince
- Cardano
- Vampire
- Tremere-prince
- Tremere-primogen
- Cassandra
- Magus
- Prime
- Vampire
- Tremere-primogen
- Tremere
- Casey
- Vampire
- Tremere
- Tremere
- Ignatius
- Vampire
- Tremere
- Tremere
- Jing
- Vampire
- Tremere
- Tremere-primogen
- Justine
- Elder
- Dallas
- Vampire
- Tremere-primogen
- Tremere-primogen
- Lazarus
- Vampire
- Tremere-primogen
- Tremere
- Lydia
- Cuelen
- Vampire
- Tremere
- Tremere
- Merill
- Molitor
- Vampire
- Tremere
- Tremere
- Roreca
- Quaid
- Vampire
- Tremere
- Tremere
- Sabine
- Lafitte
- Vampire
- Tremere
- Tremere
- Sarah
- Cobbler
- Vampire
- Tremere
- Tremere
- Thomas
- Thorne
- Vampire
- Tremere
- Tremere-justicar
- Ulugh
- Watcher
- Vampire
- Tremere-justicar
- Ventrue
- Courtland
- Leighton
- Vampire
- Ventrue
- Ventrue-justicar
- Democritus
- Vampire
- Ventrue-justicar
- Ventrue-prince
- Emerson
- Bridges
- Vampire
- Ventrue-prince
- Ventrue
- Gideon
- Fontaine
- Vampire
- Ventrue
- Ventrue
- Heather
- Florent
- Opportunist
- Vampire
- Ventrue
- Ventrue-primogen
- Helena
- Casimir
- Vampire
- Ventrue-primogen
- Ventrue
- Wentworth
- Vampire
- Ventrue
- Ventrue
- Lucia
- Pacciola
- Vampire
- Ventrue
- Ventrue
- Melissa
- Barton
- Vampire
- Ventrue
- Ventrue-primogen
- Natasha
- Volfchek
- Vampire
- Ventrue-primogen
- Ventrue
- Roland
- Loussarian
- Vampire
- Ventrue
- Ventrue
- Rufina
- Soledad
- Vampire
- Ventrue
- Ventrue-prince
- Walter
- Vampire
- Ventrue-prince
- Ventrue-prince
- Timothy
- Crowley
- Vampire
- Ventrue-prince
- Ventrue
- Violette
- Prentis
- Vampire
- Ventrue
- Equipment
- Magnum
- Common
- Equipment
- Combat
- Acrobatics
- Common
- Combat
- Combat
- Common
- Combat
- Political
- Action
- Ancient
- Influence
- Common
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Ancilla
- Empowerment
- Common
- Political
- Action
- Master
- Skill
- Animalism
- Common
- Master
- Skill
- Action
- Common
- Action
- Action
- Arson
- Common
- Action
- Master
- Ascendance
- Common
- Master
- Master
- Skill
- Auspex
- Common
- Master
- Skill
- Political
- Action
- Autarkis
- Persecution
- Common
- Political
- Action
- Action
- Bewitching
- Oration
- Common
- Action
- Master
- Blood
- Common
- Master
- Combat
- Blood
- Common
- Combat
- Combat
- Blood
- Common
- Combat
- Combat
- Common
- Combat
- Action
- Bonding
- Common
- Action
- Combat
- Boxed
- Common
- Combat
- Master
- Brainwash
- Common
- Master
- Action
- Bribes
- Common
- Action
- Action
- Bum's
- Common
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Camarilla
- Exemplary
- Common
- Political
- Action
- Combat
- Canine
- Horde
- Common
- Combat
- Reaction
- Cat's
- Guidance
- Common
- Reaction
- Combat
- Cauldron
- Blood
- Common
- Combat
- Master
- Skill
- Celerity
- Common
- Master
- Skill
- Combat
- Claws
- Common
- Combat
- Action
- Cloak
- Gathering
- Common
- Action
- Action
- Computer
- Hacking
- Common
- Action
- Combat
- Concealed
- Weapon
- Common
- Combat
- Action
- Conditioning
- Common
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Consanguineous
- Common
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Consanguineous
- Condemnation
- Common
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Action
- Conservative
- Agitation
- Common
- Political
- Action
- Action
- Cryptic
- Mission
- Common
- Action
- Combat
- Dead-end
- Alley
- Common
- Combat
- Master
- Devil
- Common
- Master
- Equipment
- Rifle
- Common
- Equipment
- Reaction
- Deflection
- Common
- Reaction
- Combat
- Disguised
- Weapon
- Common
- Combat
- Political
- Action
- Disputed
- Territory
- Common
- Political
- Action
- Combat
- Dodge
- Common
- Combat
- Political
- Action
- Domain
- Challenge
- Common
- Political
- Action
- Master
- Skill
- Dominate
- Common
- Master
- Skill
- Combat
- Drawing
- Beast
- Common
- Combat
- Reaction
- Dread
- Common
- Reaction
- Action
- Earth
- Control
- Common
- Action
- Combat
- Earth
- Common
- Combat
- Master
- Effective
- Management
- Common
- Master
- Master
- Location
- Elder
- Library
- Common
- Master
- Location
- Action
- Enchant
- Kindred
- Common
- Action
- Reaction
- Enhanced
- Senses
- Common
- Reaction
- Action
- Faceless
- Night
- Common
- Action
- Combat
- Fake
- Common
- Combat
- Reaction
- Reaction
- Common
- Reaction
- Equipment
- Jacket
- Common
- Equipment
- Combat
- Flash
- Common
- Combat
- Combat
- Ghost
- Common
- Combat
- Master
- Skill
- Fortitude
- Common
- Master
- Skill
- Master
- Frenzy
- Common
- Master
- Master
- Minions
- Common
- Master
- Combat
- Gleam
- Common
- Combat
- Action
- Govern
- Unaligned
- Common
- Common
- Action
- Combat
- Growing
- Common
- Combat
- Master
- Haven
- Uncovered
- Common
- Master
- Equipment
- Common
- Equipment
- Action
- Hidden
- Lurker
- Common
- Action
- Master
- Illegal
- Search
- Seizure
- Common
- Master
- Combat
- Indomitability
- Common
- Combat
- Political
- Action
- Resources
- Contested
- Common
- Political
- Action
- Equipment
- Laptop
- Computer
- Common
- Equipment
- Action
- Legal
- Manipulations
- Common
- Action
- Action
- Crowds
- Common
- Action
- Combat
- Lucky
- Common
- Combat
- Combat
- Majesty
- Common
- Combat
- Combat
- Mighty
- Grapple
- Common
- Combat
- Master
- Minion
- Common
- Common
- Master
- Master
- Misdirection
- Common
- Master
- Combat
- Movement
- Common
- Combat
- Combat
- Nimble
- Common
- Combat
- Master
- Skill
- Obfuscate
- Common
- Master
- Skill
- Combat
- Grate
- Common
- Combat
- Political
- Action
- Peace
- Treaty
- Common
- Political
- Action
- " Reaction
- Political
- Backlash
- Common
- " Reaction
- Political
- Action
- Political
- Common
- Political
- Action
- Master
- Skill
- Potence
- Common
- Master
- Skill
- Master
- Skill
- Presence
- Common
- Master
- Skill
- Master
- Skill
- Protean
- Common
- Master
- Skill
- Master
- Protracted
- Investment
- Common
- Master
- Action
- Rapid
- Healing
- Common
- Action
- 0 Reaction
- Rat's
- Warning
- Common
- 0 Reaction
- Combat
- Intentions
- Common
- Combat
- Political
- Action
- Regaining
- Upper
- Common
- Political
- Action
- Action
- Restoration
- Common
- Action
- Equipment
- Saturday
- Night
- Special
- Common
- Equipment
- Equipment
- Sawed-off
- Shotgun
- Common
- Equipment
- Action
- Seduction
- Common
- Action
- Combat
- Shattering
- Common
- Combat
- Master
- Short
- Investment
- Common
- Master
- Combat
- Sideslip
- Common
- Combat
- Combat
- Common
- Combat
- Combat
- Steel
- Common
- Combat
- Action
- Social
- Charm
- Common
- Action
- J Reaction
- Surprise
- Influence
- Common
- J Reaction
- L Reaction
- Telepathic
- Counter
- Common
- L Reaction
- N Reaction
- Telepathic
- Misdirection
- Common
- N Reaction
- Master
- Skill
- Thaumaturgy
- Common
- Master
- Skill
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- Barrens
- Common
- Master
- Unique
- Location
- T Reaction
- Spirit's
- Touch
- Common
- T Reaction
- Combat
- Theft
- Vitae
- Common
- Combat
- Action
- Threats
- Common
- Action
- Combat
- Thrown
- Common
- Combat
- Combat
- Thrown
- Sewer
- Common
- Combat
- Combat
- Common
- Combat
- Combat
- Undead
- Strength
- Common
- Combat
- Combat
- Unflinching
- Persistence
- Common
- Combat
- Master
- Unnatural
- Disaster
- Common
- Master
- Combat
- Vampiric
- Speed
- Common
- Combat
- Combat
- Vanish
- Mind's
- Common
- Combat
- j Reaction
- Evenings
- Freshness
- Common
- j Reaction
- Combat
- Claws
- Common
- Combat
- Goto Main Screen
- Search
- Find Totals
- Detail Report Search
- Sort Detailed Card List
- Print Detail Card List
- Print Detail Card List w/Skills
- "Print Detail Card List w/Checklist
- Calculate Total Vampires
- Calculate Total Common
- Calculate Total Uncommon
- Calculate Total Rare
- Print Total Vampire List
- Print Total Common List
- Print Total Uncommon List
- Print Total Rare List
- Goto Main Screen
- Find Totals
- Search
- Detail Report Search
- vampireG
- Print Detail Card List
- Sort Detailed Card List
- Print Detail Card List w/Skills
- A"Print Detail Card List w/Checklist
- Calculate Total Vampires
- Vampire
- Calculate Total Common
- Uncommon
- Common
- Calculate Total Uncommon
- Uncommon
- Calculate Total Rare
- Print Total Vampire List
- Print Total Common List
- Print Total Uncommon List
- Print Total Rare List
- Helvetica
- Geneva
- Tekton Bold
- Tekton
- Mistral
- Bauhaus Heavy
- PigNoseTyp
- Tiger Rag
- Visigoth
- B Avant Garde Demi
- Eras Demi
- StempelSchneidler Medium
- Pelican
- Brush Script
- FunkyFresh
- Industria Solid
- Industria Inline
- Insignia
- Avant Garde
- StempelSchneidler
- StempelSchneidler MedItalic
- StempelSchneidler Bold
- StempelSchneidler BoldItalic
- Palatino
- 3333D
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- ffffff
- ffff33
- ff33ff
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- 33ffff
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- 3333ff
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- wwwwww
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- wwwwww
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- wwwwww
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- %%DSIDICT:_cv
- currentdict /bu known {bu}if
- userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if
- _cv begi
- /bdf{bind def}bind def
- currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def
- systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeaC
- t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse
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- /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf
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- currentdict /bn known {bn}if
- 0drw2
- 0drw2
- Xdrw2
- Xdrw2
- %%DSIDICT:_cv
- currentdict /bu known {bu}if
- userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if
- begin
- /bdf{bind def}bind def
- currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def
- systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}rC
- epeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse
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- /stg{ss setgray}bdf
- /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf
- /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf
- /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf
- currentdict /bn known {bn}if
- 0drw2
- 0drw2
- Xdrw2
- Xdrw2
- `drw2
- `drw2
- %%DSIDICT:_cv
- currentdict /bu known {bu}if
- userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if
- _cv begi
- /bdf{bind def}bind def
- currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def
- systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeaC
- t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse
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- /stg{ss setgray}bdf
- /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf
- /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf
- /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf
- currentdict /bn known {bn}if
- 0drw2
- 0drw2
- 0drw2
- 4drw2
- %%DSIDICT:_cv
- currentdict /bu known {bu}if
- userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if
- _cv B
- begin
- /bdf{bind def}bind def
- currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def
- systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}r
- epeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse
- /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf
- /stg{ss setgray}bdf
- /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf
- /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf
- /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf
- currentdict /bn known {bn}if
- 0drw2D
- 0drw2
- 0drw2
- 0drw2
- ddrw2F
- ddrw2
- xdrw2
- %%DSIDICT:_cv
- currentdict /bu known {bu}if
- userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if
- _cv begiB
- /bdf{bind def}bind def
- currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def
- systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea
- t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse
- /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf
- /stg{ss setgray}bdf
- /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf
- /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf
- /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf
- currentdict /bn known {bn}if
- 0drw2
- 0drw2
- Xdrw2
- currentpoint
- currentpoint
- /DamPageMkerSv save def
- _cv begin
- 2 index sub exch
- 3 index sub 13 div min1 exch 13 div min1 2 copy scale
- 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 143 sub exch 100 sub translate end
- 0 _cv begin stg end
- _newpath
- 148.1618 101.4199 moveto
- 148.1618 101.4199J
- 150.3901 100.3770 150.3901 100.3770 curveto
- 152.6055 99.3401 154.9191 100.6604 155.5148 103.3014 curveto
- 155.5148 103.3014 155.5148 103.3014 155.5148 103.3014 curveto
- 156.1105 105.9424 154.7775 108.9695 152.56
- 21 110.0064 curveto
- 152.5621 110.0064 148.1055 112.0922 148.1055 112.0922 curveto
- 145.8901 113.1291 143.5765 111.8089 142.9807 109.1678 curveto
- 142.9807 109.1678 142.9807 109.1678 142.9807 109.1678 curveto
- 142.L
- 3850 106.5268 143.7181 103.4998 145.9335 102.4628 curveto
- 145.9335 102.4628 148.1618 101.4199 148.1618 101.4199 curveto
- closepath
- eofill
- DamPageMkerSv restore
- currentpoint
- currentpoint
- /DamPageMkerSv save def
- _cv begin
- 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 13 div min1 exch 13 div min1 2 copy scale
- 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 143 sub exch 100 sub N
- translate end
- 0 _cv begin stg end
- newpath
- 148.1618 101.4199 moveto
- 148.1618 101.4199 150.3901 100.3770 150.3901 100.3770 curveto
- 152.6055 99.3401 154.9191 100.6604 155.5148 103.3014 curveto
- 5.5148 103.3014 155.5148 103.3014 155.5148 103.3014 curveto
- 156.1105 105.9424 154.7775 108.9695 152.5621 110.0064 curveto
- 152.5621 110.0064 148.1055 112.0922 148.1055 112.0922 curveto
- 145.8901 113.1291 143.5765P
- 111.8089 142.9807 109.1678 curveto
- 142.9807 109.1678 142.9807 109.1678 142.9807 109.1678 curveto
- 142.3850 106.5268 143.7181 103.4998 145.9335 102.4628 curveto
- 145.9335 102.4628 148.1618 101.4199 148.1618 101.4
- 199 curveto
- closepath
- 0.4219 0.4219 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke
- DamPageMkerSv restore
- Xdrw2
- currentpoint
- currentpoint
- /DamPageMkerSv save def
- _cv begin
- 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 8 div min1 exch 8 div min1
- 2 copy scale
- 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 145 sub exch 102 sub translate end
- 1 _cv begin stg end
- `newpath
- 148.4272 103.2447 moveto
- 148.4272 103.2447 149.7434 102.6287 149.7434 102.6287 curveV
- 151.0519 102.0163 152.4185 102.7961 152.7703 104.3560 curveto
- 152.7703 104.3560 152.7703 104.3560 152.7703 104.3560 curveto
- 153.1222 105.9159 152.3348 107.7038 151.0263 108.3162 curveto
- 151.0263 108.3162 148
- .3940 109.5483 148.3940 109.5483 curveto
- 147.0855 110.1607 145.7189 109.3809 145.3670 107.8210 curveto
- 145.3670 107.8210 145.3670 107.8210 145.3670 107.8210 curveto
- 145.0152 106.2611 145.8026 104.4731 147.1111 X
- 103.8607 curveto
- 147.1111 103.8607 148.4272 103.2447 148.4272 103.2447 curveto
- closepath
- eofill
- DamPageMkerSv restore
- currentpoint
- currentpoint
- /DamPageMkerSv save def
- _cv begin
- 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 8 div min1 exch 8 div min1 2 copy scale
- 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 145 sub exch 102 sub translate end
- 0 _cv begin stg endZ
- newpath
- 148.4272 103.2447 moveto
- 148.4272 103.2447 149.7434 102.6287 149.7434 102.6287 curveto
- 151.0519 102.0163 152.4185 102.7961 152.7703 104.3560 curveto
- 152.7703 104.3560 152.7703 104.3560 152.7703
- 104.3560 curveto
- 153.1222 105.9159 152.3348 107.7038 151.0263 108.3162 curveto
- 151.0263 108.3162 148.3940 109.5483 148.3940 109.5483 curveto
- 147.0855 110.1607 145.7189 109.3809 145.3670 107.8210 curveto
- 145.367\
- 0 107.8210 145.3670 107.8210 145.3670 107.8210 curveto
- 145.0152 106.2611 145.8026 104.4731 147.1111 103.8607 curveto
- 147.1111 103.8607 148.4272 103.2447 148.4272 103.2447 curveto
- closepath
- 0.2461 0.2461 scale 1
- setlinewidth stroke
- DamPageMkerSv restore
- currentpoint
- currentpoint
- /DamPageMkerSv save def
- _cv begin
- 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 5 div min1 exch 6 div min1 2 copy scale
- 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll`
- div 127 sub exch 93 sub translate end
- 0 _cv begin stg end
- newpath
- 131.6750 98.0765 moveto
- 130.9821 98.7695 129.4340 98.3621 128.2460 97.1742 curveto
- 127.0581 95.9862 126.6506 94.4381 127.343
- 6 93.7452 curveto
- 128.0366 93.0522 129.5847 93.4596 130.7727 94.6475 curveto
- 131.9606 95.8355 132.3680 97.3836 131.6750 98.0765 curveto
- closepath
- eofill
- DamPageMkerSv restore
- rrentpoint
- currentpoint
- /DamPageMkerSv save def
- _cv begin
- 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 5 div min1 exch 6 div min1 2 copy scale
- 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 127 sub
- exch 93 sub translate end
- 0 _cv begin stg end
- @newpath
- 131.6750 98.0765 moveto
- 130.9821 98.7695 129.4340 98.3621 128.2460 97.1742 curveto
- 127.0581 95.9862 126.6506 94.4381 127.3436 93.7452 cud
- rveto
- 128.0366 93.0522 129.5847 93.4596 130.7727 94.6475 curveto
- 131.9606 95.8355 132.3680 97.3836 131.6750 98.0765 curveto
- closepath
- 0.5039 0.5039 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke
- DamPageMkerSv restore
- currentpoint
- currentpoint
- /DamPageMkerSv save def
- _cv begin
- 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 5 div min1 2 copy scale
- 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 126 sub exch 133 sub translate end
- 0 _cv begin stg eh
- *newpath
- 126.8646 137.1133 moveto
- 126.3746 136.2646 127.1688 134.8747 128.6237 134.0347 curveto
- 130.0787 133.1947 131.6794 133.2018 132.1694 134.0505 curveto
- 132.6595 134.8993 131.8653 136.2891 130.410
- 3 137.1292 curveto
- 128.9554 137.9692 127.3546 137.9620 126.8646 137.1133 curveto
- closepath
- eofill
- DamPageMkerSv restore
- currentpoint
- currentpoint
- /DamPageMkerSv save def
- _cv begin
- 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 5 div min1 2 copy scale
- 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 126 sub exch 133 sub translate end
- 0 _cv begin stg e
- Mnewpath
- 126.8646 137.1133 moveto
- 126.3746 136.2646 127.1688 134.8747 128.6237 134.0347 curveto
- 130.0787 133.1947 131.6794 133.2018 132.1694 134.0505 curveto
- 132.6595 134.8993 131.8653 136.2891 130.410l
- 3 137.1292 curveto
- 128.9554 137.9692 127.3546 137.9620 126.8646 137.1133 curveto
- closepath
- 0.5039 0.5039 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke
- DamPageMkerSv restore
- %%DSIDICT:_cv
- currentdict /bu known {bu}if
- userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if
- begin
- /bdf{bind def}bind def
- currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def
- systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}rC
- epeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse
- /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf
- /stg{ss setgray}bdf
- /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf
- /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf
- /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf
- currentdict /bn known {bn}if
- 0drw2
- 0drw2
- 0drw2
- 0drw2
- 4drw2
- 4drw2
- 4drw2
- Xdrw2
- 0drw2
- %%DSIDICT:_cv
- currentdict /bu known {bu}if
- userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if
- _cv B
- begin
- /bdf{bind def}bind def
- currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def
- systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}r
- epeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse
- /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf
- /stg{ss setgray}bdf
- /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf
- /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf
- /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf
- currentdict /bn known {bn}if
- 0drw2D
- 0drw2
- 0drw2
- 0drw2
- 0drw2
- ddrw2
- xdrw2
- ddrw2
- xdrw2
- %%DSIDICT:_cv
- currentdict /bu known {bu}if
- userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if
- _cv B
- begin
- /bdf{bind def}bind def
- currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def
- systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}r
- epeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse
- /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf
- /stg{ss setgray}bdf
- /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf
- /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf
- /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf
- currentdict /bn known {bn}if
- 0drw2D
- 0drw2
- currentpoint
- currentpoint
- /DamPageMkerSv save def
- _cv begin
- 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 76 div min1 exch 74 div min1 2 copy scale
- 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 124 sub exch 63 sub translate end
- 0 _cv begin stg end
- newpath
- 171.2956 136.5202 moveto
- 138.9954 129.6777 134.3203 117.9478 126.2453 100.8416 curveto
- 118.1702 83.7354 135.0410 69.4812 138.9954 65.6517 curveto
- 147.0704 57.8318 156.8455 69.0729 160.6705 79.8254
- curveto
- 164.4955 90.5779 155.3830 69.7774 147.4954 78.8479 curveto
- 143.6704 83.2467 179.4110 131.3407 196.7957 134.5652 curveto
- 209.9708 137.0090 176.5493 137.6332 171.2956 136.5202 curveto
- closepath
- eofill
- DamPageMkerSv restore
- currentpoint
- currentpoint
- /DamPageMkerSv save def
- _cv begin
- 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 76 div min1 exch 74 div m
- in1 2 copy scale
- 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 124 sub exch 63 sub translate end
- 0 _cv begin stg end
- newpath
- 171.2956 136.5202 moveto
- 138.9954 129.6777 134.3203 117.9478 126.2453 100.8416 cT
- urveto
- 118.1702 83.7354 135.0410 69.4812 138.9954 65.6517 curveto
- 147.0704 57.8318 156.8455 69.0729 160.6705 79.8254 curveto
- 164.4955 90.5779 155.3830 69.7774 147.4954 78.8479 curveto
- 143.6704 83.2467 179.4110
- 131.3407 196.7957 134.5652 curveto
- 209.9708 137.0090 176.5493 137.6332 171.2956 136.5202 curveto
- closepath
- 0.4219 0.4844 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke
- DamPageMkerSv restore
- `drw2
- `drw2
- %%DSIDICT:_cv
- currentdict /bu known {bu}if
- userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if
- _cv begiB
- /bdf{bind def}bind def
- currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def
- systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea
- t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse
- /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf
- /stg{ss setgray}bdf
- /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf
- /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf
- /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf
- currentdict /bn known {bn}if
- 0drw2
- 0drw2
- 1drw2
- 4drw2
- Crillee
- User Dictionary
- Pro 2.0F!
- Pro 2.0